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Are you worried about liver complications or liver disease? Have you or your child ever had hepatitis or liver complications?
We are the first in Bangladesh to introducing and bring Chennai's famous and India's number 1 Liver Transplant Center at your doorstep! Dr. Rela Institute Liver Center now at Sheikh Fazilatunnessa Mujib Memorial KPJ Specialized Hospital.
The clinic will be operated by the specialists of both countries, focusing on liver, pancreas and gallbladder as well as the diseases of hepatobiliary system. The specialist doctors will see patients and advise them on liver disease, transplant and post-transplant issues.
Upcoming month of August, 2024 the specialist doctors from Dr. Rela Institute Hospital will see patient.
Services available on: -
Complicated liver disease and transplant surgery Complicated liver disease of children
Liver Transplant Laparoscopic & Liver Surgery etc.
For appointment and details call –
+880244077030 +880244077031 (Call Time: 08:00AM to 10:00PM)
+8801810-008080 (WhatsApp) (Call Time: 08:00AM to 10:00PM)
Hotline: +8801810-008064, +8801674-273710 and +8801832-253333 (Call Time: 09:00AM to 10:00PM)
For online Appointment visit: